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p33ING1 Protein

Recombinant full-length human p33ING1 was expressed by baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells using an N-terminal His tag.
Catalog No. I32-30H

Catalog No. Pack Size Price (USD)
I32-30H-20 20 ug $215
I32-30H-50 50 ug $435
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p33ING1 displays characteristics of a tumour suppressor protein and can induce cell growth arrest and apoptosis. p33ING1 is a nuclear protein and acute expression of p33 ING1 inhibits cell growth. p33ING1 physically interacts with the tumor suppressor protein TP53 and is a component of the p53 signaling pathway. Mutation of p33ING1 gene occurs in neuroblastoma cells and reduced expression is observed in some breast cancer cell lines (1). It has been proposed that p33ING1 can act as a potent growth regulator in normal and in established cells and plays a role as a candidate tumour suppressor gene whose inactivation may contribute to the development of cancers (2).

Gene Aliases:

ING1, p33, p47, p24ING1c, p33ING1b, p47ING1a

Genbank Number:


1. Garkavtsev, I. Et al: Suppression of the novel growth inhibitor p33ING1 promotes neoplastic transformation. Nat Genet, 1999; 23(3):373.

2. Goeman, F. Et al: Growth Inhibition by the Tumor Suppressor p33ING1 in Immortalized and Primary Cells: Involvement of Two Silencing Domains and Effect of Ras.


Sample Purity Data. For specific information on a given lot, see related technical data sheet.

Storage, Stability and Shipping:

Store product at –70oC. For optimal storage, aliquot target into smaller quantities after centrifugation and store at recommended temperature. For most favorable performance, avoid repeated handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles.

Molecular Weight:

~38 kDa

Product Datasheets


Cancer, Cell Cycle


  p53 Protein, P05-30G

  p53 Protein, P05-30BG

  CDC7/DBF4, Active, C26-10G

  p33ING2 Protein, I32-30BG



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