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BAX Protein

Recombinant full-length human BAX was expressed in E. coli cells using an N-terminal GST tag.
Catalog No. B14-30G

Catalog No. Pack Size Price (USD)
B14-30G-20 20 ug $215
B14-30G-50 50 ug $435
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BAX is a proapoptotic protein of the BCL2 protein family. BAX forms a heterodimer with BCL2 and functions as an apoptotic activator. BAX interacts with and increases the opening of the mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), which leads to the loss in the mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of cytochrome c (1). The expression of BAX gene is regulated by the tumor suppressor p53 and BAX has been shown to be involved in p53-mediated apoptosis. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants, which encode different isoforms, have been reported for this gene (2).

Genbank Number:


1. Shimizu, S. et al: Bcl-2 family proteins regulate the release of apoptogenic cytochrome c by the mitochondrial channel VDAC. Nature 399: 483-487, 1999.

2. Meijerink, J. P. P. et al : Hematopoietic malignancies demonstrate loss-of-function mutations of BAX. Blood 91: 2991-2997, 1998.


Sample Purity Data. For specific information on a given lot, see related technical data sheet.

Storage, Stability and Shipping:

Store product at –70oC. For optimal storage, aliquot target into smaller quantities after centrifugation and store at recommended temperature. For most favorable performance, avoid repeated handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles.

Molecular Weight:

~47 kDa

Product Datasheets


AKT/PKB Pathway, Apoptosis/Autophagy, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurobiology


  GSK3 beta, Active, G09-10G

  GSK3 beta, Active, G09-10H

  14-3-3 zeta Protein, Y92-30G

  BAG1 Protein, B05-31G



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