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Anti-p38 alpha

Mouse Monoclonal Antibody
Catalog No. M39-60M

Catalog No. Pack Size Price (USD)
M39-60M-25 25 ug $95
M39-60M-100 100 ug $375
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p38α (SAPK2A) is a member of the p38 MAPK family which are activated by various environmental stresses and proinflammatory cytokines (1). The activation of p38 requires its phosphorylation by MAP kinase kinases (MKKs), or its autophosphorylation triggered by the interaction of MAP3K7IP1/TAB1 protein with this kinase (2). The substrates of p38 include transcription regulator ATF2, MEF2C, and MAX, cell cycle regulator CDC25B, and tumor suppressor p53, which suggest the roles of this kinase in stress related transcription and cell cycle regulation, as well as in genotoxic stress response.


1. Han, J. et al: A MAP kinase targeted by endotoxin and hyperosmolarity in mammalian cells. Science 265: 808-811, 1994.

2. Ge, B. et al: MAPKK-independent activation of p38-alpha mediated by TAB1-dependent autophosphorylation of p38-alpha. Science 295: 1291-1294, 2002.


Anti-p38α antibody recognizes the p38α protein.

Species Cross Reactivity:

p38a from Human and Mouse

p38α from other species may also be detectable.

Host / Isotype / Clone#:

Mouse, Monoclonal, 9F12


Recombinant full length active p38α protein


Affinity purified using Protein G


Store at 4°C (add 0.1% NaN3) for several months, and at -20°C for longer periods. For optimal storage, aliquot target into smaller quantities after centrifugation and store at recommended temperature. For optimal performance, avoid repeated handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles.

Sample Data:

Representative western blot (1:2500) using 10μg, 20μg, and 30μg of Jurkat cell lysate.

Product Datasheets


Angiogenesis, Apoptosis/Autophagy, Cardiovascular Disease, Cellular Stress, Inflammation, Metabolic Disorder, Neurobiology, NfkB Pathway, p38 Pathway


  Anti-Mouse HRP, G32-62G

  Anti-Rabbit HRP, G33-62G

  p38 beta, Active, M36-10BG

  p38 gamma, Active, M37-10BG



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